- este o ocazie unica de a incerca imbunatatirea sanatatii viitoare a familiei tale;
- procedeul este simplu si neinvaziv, dureaza aproximativ 3 minute si nu reprezinta vreun risc pentru mama sau fat;
- sangele este bogat in celule stem, un gram de sange recoltat din cordonul ombilical contine de 10 ori mai multe celule hematopoetice decat sangele periferic;
- celulele stem din cordonul ombilical se pot converti si transforma in alt tip de celule (ex: hematii, leucocite, trombocite, celule neuronale);
- astfel de celule stem au fost transplantate cu succes in cazul a peste 70 boli cunoscute, incluzand leucemii sau disfunctii ale sistemului imunitar;
- sangele recoltat poate deveni mult mai valoros peste ani in tratarea diabetului ,boala Alzheimer, traumatisme medulare, etc.;
- majoritatea celor ce au nevoie de celule stem pentru transplant nu reusesc sa gaseasca un donator potrivit, asa ca sangele din cordonul ombilical este cel care sigur va salva viata;
- sangele este testat si stocat, urmand a fi folosit ulterior pentru transplant si pentru membrii familiei;
- riscul de boli transmisibile este mic.
Recolarea de sange placentar se poate face in orice maternitate.
Contraindicatiile absolute ale recoltarii sunt urmatoarele:
- infectia materna cu HIV;
- sifilis acitiv;
- virus hepatic B si C.
- Is a unique opportunity to impove future health of your family;
- Process is simple and noninvasive, takes about 3 minutes and do not represent any risk to mother or fetus;
- Rich blood is bet on stem cells extracted from one gram of umbilical cord blood contains 10 times more than peripheral blood hematopoietic cells;
- Cord stem cells can convert and transform bet on other cells (ex.: erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, neuronal cells);
- Such stem cells, were transplanted successfully bet on when over 70 known diseases, including leukemia and immune system dysfunction;
- Collected blood may become more valuable over the years bet on diabetes, Alzheimer’s, spinal injuries, etc..;
- Most of those who need stem cell transplant are unable to find a suitable donor, so that cord blood is that which will certainly save lives;
- Blood-tested and stored to be used after transplant and family members;
- Risk of diseases is low.
Extracting placental blood can be in any maternity.
The absolute contraindications are:
- Maternal HIV-infection;
- Acitiv-syphilis;
- Hepatitis B and C.